Churches and Chapels
Churches and Chapels
San Candido boasts many churches and chapels. Particularly worth seeing are San Candido’s collegiate church, the Romanesque parish church of St Michael, and up on a hill the parish church St. Nicholas in Prato Drava.
MIK Museum im Kapitel
MIK Museum im Kapitel
Museum, archive and library of the monastery are housed in a building steeped in history, whose outside has not changed since the 16 century.
Dive into world of the Dolomites UNESCO World Heritage! The Dolomythos is an adventure museum for the whole family and offers attractive entertainment for children, such as treasure hunts etc. You can also find dinosaurs here!
Bagni di San Candido
Bagni di San Candido
San Candido is the source of five mineral springs and benefits from a spa culture that dates back to the Middle Ages. Walk about in the new barefoot course with the theme “feeling, touching and tasting water”.
War cemetery Burg
War cemetery Burg
Many soldiers who lost their lives at the Dolomites front during the First World War found their final resting place in the war cemetery Burg.